
Too Random for a Title

H20 went great last night. My wife had an allergic reaction to the grass seeds (JR was talking about the parable of the sower) but she's allergic to everything. Including Alaskan camels. Even though they don't even exist.

So much stuff going on in my life right now. I'm going to have some news on a huge opportunity in the next couple of days. News that could change everything. Exciting, to say the least.

My tailbone is strangely not really hurting me at the moment. It's like a ninja that strikes at the most opportune time and then goes into hiding. Terrible analogy. Wow.

Hmm... what other random thoughts to post? Oh yeah. I love when people argue (discuss) about theological topics in the Bible. It's great because it challenges me to study on my own and grow. And by the way, anyone who is pointing out all kinds of problems in the church today better darn well be part of the solution. Nuff said.

More random blogs to follow. Count on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh, you rock! :) It's fun to be able to "read your mind" and then to encourage the boys to read it as well. Always interesting, always entertaining, always inspiring. I wish I had half the drive to know Jesus that you have. I guess that's common in those who were saved at a very early age.... Thanks for being a great inspiration to Allan and Daniel. I pray they will seek God as fervently as you.
Have a blessed weekend!
Aunt Mary :)