
I am a nerd.

Yes, it's true. I know some of you are absolutely shocked. I'm really excited because some new hardware for my computer is coming in today. Now I'll be able to play video games in hi-res (I'm pretty sure this is a nerd word).

My Mom is staying with us for a week starting today, which I enjoy because she lives in the far-away state of Connecticut. She's going to try to get Bekah fully potty trained, so pray for her! That would be super cool, because one of my least favorite things to do is to change diapers ten million times a day. She's growing so fast, and she's starting to be able to ask for things, which takes the guesswork out of the equation. For all of you non-parents, when cute cuddly baby turns into non-stop crying baby you have to go down the list of things they might want. Fun, fun, fun. Take it from me.

Perry Noble wrote a great blog today. Read it.

Wow, I figured out how to put links in my blog! Cool!

Really looking forward to playing at H20 tomorrow. Going to be a good set as long as no one makes any last minute changes :D

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