
I have had enough.

There comes a point where the line has been crossed and action must be taken . I am there. Last year I went on Nutrisystem for three months and dropped 40+ pounds. It was great. Then I slipped back into my normal (read: terrible) diet routine and gained some of it back. I ignored it mostly for a while but here's the kicker:

I went into Buckle yesterday, where the salesman politely pointed me to the back of the store where the "relaxed fit section" was.


There's no doubt about it! It didn't sting until later when I actually thought about it.

So now begins my new lifestyle, because going on a diet doesn't do anything except waste time and money. This leads me to my next topic:


It's true! You can buy a 500 calorie burrito at Wal-Mart for a DOLLAR but if you buy a Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice dinner its at LEAST twice as much! You can buy a box of Ho-Ho's for less than two bucks and that's like 2000 calories! What is wrong with this picture? Apparently it's cheaper to be fat than to be in shape. No wonder obesity is so rampant in America. Not to mention, churches would NEVER mention that gluttony is a sin! Then most pastors would have to man up and get on the treadmill!

So here goes- those of you who read this blog get to come with me on my journey to graduate out of the relaxed fit section. More interesting posts to follow.

1 comment:

David Jacks said...

America Hates me because I'm skinny!