
Effort and Faith..

According to the Bible, we are saved by faith and not of works, and yet according to the book of James, our works prove our faith. Jesus said in John 15 that apart from Him we can do nothing. Paul said in Philippians that he could do "all things through Christ who strengthens me."

It seems to me there is a fine line somewhere between effort and faith in the life of a Christian.

Am I crazy? Don't answer that question. But seriously, where is the middle ground? I know that anything done in our strength does not please God, because we cannot please Him without faith and our works before God are as filthy rags. But to trust God to provide all of our needs (which He said He will) without taking any action whatsoever is to be lazy.

I'm trying to find this balance, and I strongly believe that God is actively teaching me this at this point in my life. I have been at both ends of the spectrum. From what I understand, when we live a life totally surrendered to God and obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we will find that balance. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I grasp this concept with my mind, but it still has not fully come into the realm of personal experience.

I know this- at the end of my life, I want to be able to rest confidently in the fact that I did what God called me to do no matter what, and that peoples' lives were changed because of it.

*To those of you who have posted responses to my previous posts, I just want to let you know I've read them, and I could respond, but this dialogue will never reach an end. I am choosing to move on with a new focus on what it means to live a life that pleases God and brings Him glory. That dialogue might continue on others' pages, but not on mine.*


theresa said...

Josh, I'd gotten behind on the blog or I may have jumped in. It is good that you have moved on because it can be a challenge to debate theology but there are times when it can become a distraction.

On your new subject, it is interesting to me that we are both learning similar lessons at this point in our lives...

So on that note, in the Green Letters, Chpt 15, it says '...when we have apprehended our deliverance through death with Christ, the self-life often appears more alive than ever! Just here God would have us stand firm (rest) upon His written Word. The increasing revelation proves the surrender to the cross to be real, because the Holy Spirit takes us at our word, and reveals all that He has seen lying underneath - reveals it that it may be dealt with at the cross. Our part is to yield our wills, and take God's side against ourselves, whilst the Holy Spirit applies the death of the cross to all that is contrary to Him...'

That was powerful to me when I read it today, so I hope you are able to think about it for a few minutes today.

Love ya mucho,

jeff hill said...

the one question in your blog that i wanted to answer you won't let me answer. That is very dissappointing.

Josh said...

To those who know me, the answer to that question is pretty obvious. :D