
By the way..

Steven Furtick had an awesome post today. It's especially sobering for parents. Read it!

Too Random for a Title

H20 went great last night. My wife had an allergic reaction to the grass seeds (JR was talking about the parable of the sower) but she's allergic to everything. Including Alaskan camels. Even though they don't even exist.

So much stuff going on in my life right now. I'm going to have some news on a huge opportunity in the next couple of days. News that could change everything. Exciting, to say the least.

My tailbone is strangely not really hurting me at the moment. It's like a ninja that strikes at the most opportune time and then goes into hiding. Terrible analogy. Wow.

Hmm... what other random thoughts to post? Oh yeah. I love when people argue (discuss) about theological topics in the Bible. It's great because it challenges me to study on my own and grow. And by the way, anyone who is pointing out all kinds of problems in the church today better darn well be part of the solution. Nuff said.

More random blogs to follow. Count on it.


The tail bone's connected to the..

Having an interesting day because my tailbone feels like someone hit it with a sledgehammer. Somebody get me a donut! Oooh...Doonutss... * sorry. I was daydreaming. :D So yeah I have to get xrays sometime next week. Should be great. I can picture it now:

"Mr. Currie, your tailbone is in ten thousand pieces all over your spinal column. Sucks to be you." (no, my doctor would never say that!)

"Mr. Currie, looks like we have to take out your spleen. Why? Oh, no reason. Just because."

It's a pretty good bet that none of those situations will happen. If the second one does, I'm changing my name to Spleenless Joe Jackson.

I can't sit down. I can't stand up. I can't walk. [cries like a sissy].

Oh well. I'll just look like Mr. Roboto tomorrow night. Shouldn't be much of a difference since I am the whitest white guitar player when it comes to stage presence. I need lessons or something.

I might have something very interesting to post Thursday. We'll see.


I have had enough.

There comes a point where the line has been crossed and action must be taken . I am there. Last year I went on Nutrisystem for three months and dropped 40+ pounds. It was great. Then I slipped back into my normal (read: terrible) diet routine and gained some of it back. I ignored it mostly for a while but here's the kicker:

I went into Buckle yesterday, where the salesman politely pointed me to the back of the store where the "relaxed fit section" was.


There's no doubt about it! It didn't sting until later when I actually thought about it.

So now begins my new lifestyle, because going on a diet doesn't do anything except waste time and money. This leads me to my next topic:


It's true! You can buy a 500 calorie burrito at Wal-Mart for a DOLLAR but if you buy a Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice dinner its at LEAST twice as much! You can buy a box of Ho-Ho's for less than two bucks and that's like 2000 calories! What is wrong with this picture? Apparently it's cheaper to be fat than to be in shape. No wonder obesity is so rampant in America. Not to mention, churches would NEVER mention that gluttony is a sin! Then most pastors would have to man up and get on the treadmill!

So here goes- those of you who read this blog get to come with me on my journey to graduate out of the relaxed fit section. More interesting posts to follow.


Must have been that chili banana smoothie...

Man, I was sick as a dog this weekend. So sick you could have shot a zombie flick at my house. I rarely get sick, but when I do, it's not pretty. I am glad to be well again, and appreciate the weight I've lost by methods I do not wish to reveal due to their graphic content.

I'm having one of those days. You know, those days where you see past the circumstances and gaze pensively at the big picture. I bought the new Relient K album (really good stuff) and there was a song that basically said that no one told him what giving too much(to God) looked like so he was going to give until there was nothing left.

Naturally, this caused certain thoughts to pop into my mind: "What does giving everything look like?" "Have I ever done this?" Let's be real- I don't think I'm the only one asking this. So now comes the part where I search the Bible for what it means to live that kind of life.

We live in a world where so many things pull for your attention. Especially if you have a spouse and kid(s) at home! So many times I surround myself with things that bring temporary entertainment but eventually I end up staring at the brick wall of discontent and the realization that nothing can really bring me fulfillment like living each day in the presence of God and carving out special time for us.

I guess that's one part of the answer I'm looking for.


One day to live

Yesterday's lesson in Fuel (sunday school) was about the last teachings of Jesus. You know, the ones He taught after the Last Supper until He was betrayed by Judas. Intentional teachings meant to prepare His disciples for life without His physical presence and illustrate some incredible truths about the Christian faith. He also prays for them and for future followers. This is all in John 14-17.

I was trying to get the students in a last day mindset where they had one day to live and so I asked them what they would do. About 95% of the guys said stuff to get a reaction or to get attention, but at least one really thought about it and gave an honest answer. One guy whose name I will not mention said that he would get high, repent, and praise the Lord the rest of the day. See what I mean about trying to get a reaction? Of course, we talked afterwards and he assured me he wasn't serious.

Can I use a class of about 20 guys to draw conclusions about the teenage mind? Well if I can, then the average teenager isn't thinking about death or eternity. I know I wasn't at their age. This is why it's so important to effectively communicate the Gospel to teenagers because if you don't get their attention and make them think and take a hard look at themselves, they might not think about eternity until tragedy strikes or until they get older. And no one knows exactly how long we are going to live. What an incredible responsibility. Pray for your leaders.

I think it's time I started releasing my own line of recommended Sonic drinks.

Banana smoothie with Chili and Jalepeno peppers.
Great for a morning shake right before your morning hurl.


I Shall Be Sore Tommorrow

At least that's what the King James version of my blog would say.

I have some heavy lifting to do tonight- Andrew, Mike Stewart, and maybe some other people are going to meet me at my Dad & Theresa's soon-to-be-former house and pick up their tv and their washer and dryer. So I'm 99% sure that I'm going to herniate something.

I'm in a situation right now that the only way things are going to move forward is if God orchestrates it. Which is good, because I'm only just learning how to wait on God's timing.



Interestingly enough, the hardware didn't work with my computer. Neither one. Sometimes life gets really frustrating.

We're getting a refund and ordering new hardware.

World=1 Nerd=0

Can't win 'em all.

I am a nerd.

Yes, it's true. I know some of you are absolutely shocked. I'm really excited because some new hardware for my computer is coming in today. Now I'll be able to play video games in hi-res (I'm pretty sure this is a nerd word).

My Mom is staying with us for a week starting today, which I enjoy because she lives in the far-away state of Connecticut. She's going to try to get Bekah fully potty trained, so pray for her! That would be super cool, because one of my least favorite things to do is to change diapers ten million times a day. She's growing so fast, and she's starting to be able to ask for things, which takes the guesswork out of the equation. For all of you non-parents, when cute cuddly baby turns into non-stop crying baby you have to go down the list of things they might want. Fun, fun, fun. Take it from me.

Perry Noble wrote a great blog today. Read it.

Wow, I figured out how to put links in my blog! Cool!

Really looking forward to playing at H20 tomorrow. Going to be a good set as long as no one makes any last minute changes :D


Tonight's going to be great- Bekah and I get to spend some Daddy-daughter time because Brooke is going out to eat with some friends of hers. I never thought I would be 24 with a nearly two-year-old. But Bekah is the most beautiful kid on the face of the planet, and she brings us so much joy on a daily basis. Plus she's a Currie- she acts crazy until she gets a reaction (usually a laugh) and then repeats it as many times as she can until she gets bored. It's hilarious, because she still does stuff that made us laugh 3 months ago, and it still works.

I also want to celebrate the fact that our store has gone one month without a break-in. We have had two in the past four months, both on the day we scan in inventory. Go figure.

I'm looking forward to teaching this week. I'm interested to see whether the talk I had with everyone last week will make a difference in their behavior. I'm also bringing my night stick. :D

I'm excited about what God's doing in my life. Like I read in Perry Noble's blog today, "The tomb is empty, so nothing's impossible."