
I'm proud to report that my Dad made it safely to Sicily, but his bags are another story. They're on their way from Fort Lauderdale FL. Gotta love the transportation industry.

It's amazing how God has provided for me this week, scheduling my Dad's departure the same week my Mom was here from out of town. It's no accident. God is awesome. We're going to eat a thanksgiving-style dinner tonight, which makes me happy. It's a good ol' fashioned Yankee thanksgiving too- not any of that inferior cornbread dressing. Bekah has cheered me up many times this week too. I know I'm repeating myself, but I am amazed as I am typing this how God worked all of this out.

I've been there before, and I have come to it again- what is God's will for my life, and how do I determine it? Certainly, passively moving through life and accepting my circumstances is laziness, but on the flipside, I don't want to be doing things in my own strength without trusting God and waiting on Him. Plus, this question has got to be hard for anyone to answer exactly, because God doesn't work in everyone's life the same way He works in mine.

..so for now, I'll pray and read the Bible. 'Nuff said.

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