

Today was truly an amazing day.. I went to church and was able to worship more than I had been able to in a long time.

To kind of rewind back, Theresa and I sat up last night discussing God's will and how to determine it for your life. Before I laid in bed, I knelt by the window and pretty much submitted myself to God in the midst of these confusing circumstances. You know, one of those times where you and God just "do business." It was great. Matter of fact, the feeling I had was so very similar to the situation that got me writing this blog in the first place.

..So back to sunday morning. After service, I went upstairs to teach sunday school/Fuel, and I knew that I was unprepared because we had spent the night at Theresa's house and I forgot my lesson cd. "*Gasp!*" Yeah, God definitely uses me inspite of myself.

So anyway, I found out that Dan was sick or something and it turned out that there were about 26 guys total that were going to be in my class. But for some strange reason, when Todd relayed this info, I was not fazed about this. I just knew I was supposed to teach them. So Todd and I went into the room where Dan normally teaches and we packed it out. What happened next gets classified under "Holy Spirit moments." God gave me such a passion for teaching these guys the incredible life-changing truths about the death of Jesus. Why He had to die. What it means to us right here, right now.

Todd was a huge help keeping these guys in line. I almost want to consider bringing a nightstick next week, because 6-8th grade guys can get wild. :D But it went incredible, and God gave me the boldness that I needed to demand their attention and He spoke through me.

It was one of those moments that don't come very often, but they blow me away, and I always think, "I know this is what I want to be doing for the rest of my life." God once again confirms that He has called me to ministry.

Now the side effects are getting dangerous- I can't get enough of the Bible. Prayer is beating out other things for the top priority.

This whole thing about following Jesus can really wreck your life. In a good way.

1 comment:

Andrew N. said...

I am glad to see that God is working and talking to you about your situation. Its so funny cause God is doing the same thing with me right now.