

Working as a salesperson (as a cellphone salesman) definitely brings a lot of interesting people into your daily life. Take today for example: a guy came in and was insisting that the King James version of the Bible is the only "un-corrupted" version.

Okay, now let me throw a disclaimer out there before my response: I am in no way personally attacking anyone who believes this, but no punches will be pulled here.

Picture heaven in an uproar because a "corrupted"[read:non-KJV] version of the Bible is printed.... or because people are preaching out of "corrupted" Bibles....

What kind of crack are these people smoking???!? I mean, seriously! Is anyone who makes these statements studying Greek and Hebrew? Not to mention, the language in the KJV makes me feel like I should be walking around in chain mail swinging a giant mace. Maybe that's just me, though...

Isn't God big enough to be sovereign over EVERY translation of the Bible? Doesn't the HOLY SPIRIT lead us to all truth??

Don't limit God, people. Maybe the reason your KJV only church never sees God move in your services is because of the man-made box you've put Him in. If you're offended, stop and ask yourself whether you believe that the King James is the only correct version because you've been taught that way, or because of your study of other translations?

Anyone (as in a believer that has the Holy Spirit) with half a brain, a Bible, and a Strong's concordance can get an accurate understanding of what Scripture says.

I mean this as an encouragement. Seriously think about why you believe what you believe. The gospel is already an offense to lost people. Legalism only makes it worse. If you read the New Testament, you'll see that Paul was furious at people that put unneccessary burdens on believers. Like you need Jesus AND circumcision to be saved, or Jesus AND the Old Testament dietary laws, or Jesus AND going to church on Saturday... you get my point.

I don't claim to be a Bible scholar. I don't think I will ever call myself that. But I am a student of the Bible. God in His grace and mercy has given me the knowledge I have. I do know one thing, that complicating the Gospel message is rediculous.

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