
Been a while.

Wow, been a while since the last post. As usual, life is incredibly busy, or at least seems so. I'm so terrible about posting on a blog, because many days I feel like I have nothing worthwhile/entertaining to say. But then again, I didn't intend to entertain people when I started this blog, so maybe that's not so bad after all. My hope would be that through these posts people are able to get a real-life glimpse of who I am and how incredible God is to save someone like me.

We've been going through the book of Acts in sunday school, and I taught out of Acts 20 because that's what I thought the next video would be on but it turns out I was wrong, because Fuel curriculum can be super weird at times. But now I'm off track. Stupid ADHD. *smacks himself*

So yeah, the great thing about this chapter is that Paul knew he was going to face persecution and imprisonment in Jerusalem because the Holy Spirit repeatedly told him, but he went anyway, because his sole purpose was finishing what God had called him to do. He also told the Ephesian elders that their eternity was not on him, because he had declared to them the whole purpose of God.

This is my desire as well, as I'm moving to another part of my life soon, to be able to say, "if they don't give their life to Jesus, it's not because I didn't share the gospel with them." You know, like what it says in Ezekiel 33 about the watchman who sounds the alarm when the invading army is coming in the middle of the night. Loving people and caring about their safety doesn't mean we let them sleep in false security, knowing they're not promised tomorrow, but waking them up to what's really going on. Fear, pride, self-doubt, and other stupid stuff gets in the way, but the bottom line is, we have to go and tell.

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