
Been a while.

Wow, been a while since the last post. As usual, life is incredibly busy, or at least seems so. I'm so terrible about posting on a blog, because many days I feel like I have nothing worthwhile/entertaining to say. But then again, I didn't intend to entertain people when I started this blog, so maybe that's not so bad after all. My hope would be that through these posts people are able to get a real-life glimpse of who I am and how incredible God is to save someone like me.

We've been going through the book of Acts in sunday school, and I taught out of Acts 20 because that's what I thought the next video would be on but it turns out I was wrong, because Fuel curriculum can be super weird at times. But now I'm off track. Stupid ADHD. *smacks himself*

So yeah, the great thing about this chapter is that Paul knew he was going to face persecution and imprisonment in Jerusalem because the Holy Spirit repeatedly told him, but he went anyway, because his sole purpose was finishing what God had called him to do. He also told the Ephesian elders that their eternity was not on him, because he had declared to them the whole purpose of God.

This is my desire as well, as I'm moving to another part of my life soon, to be able to say, "if they don't give their life to Jesus, it's not because I didn't share the gospel with them." You know, like what it says in Ezekiel 33 about the watchman who sounds the alarm when the invading army is coming in the middle of the night. Loving people and caring about their safety doesn't mean we let them sleep in false security, knowing they're not promised tomorrow, but waking them up to what's really going on. Fear, pride, self-doubt, and other stupid stuff gets in the way, but the bottom line is, we have to go and tell.


This really encouraged me..

God's been teaching me a lot lately. I am so excited.
I can't speak for anyone else, but sometimes I just feel plain unworthy. I feel weak and useless. I feel like God would lower His standards to use me.
Now I know that these feelings are just Satan trying to discourage me. Many times I have fallen for it. I came across these verses when I was reading the Bible this morning in 1 Corinthians:
26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him. 30It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."
Wow. You mean that God uses people like me ON PURPOSE?
Why? So that no one can say that God used them because they are somehow a better person, or they obey the entire Bible, etc. So that no one can boast. So that God gets the credit when something incredible happens.
I am so encouraged to know that my weakness allows God to show His strength in my life. That my foolishness allows God to show His wisdom. That me being the frail human being I am provides circumstances that when incredible things happen, there's no way anyone can give me the credit!
I hope that these verses encourage you, too.



Working as a salesperson (as a cellphone salesman) definitely brings a lot of interesting people into your daily life. Take today for example: a guy came in and was insisting that the King James version of the Bible is the only "un-corrupted" version.

Okay, now let me throw a disclaimer out there before my response: I am in no way personally attacking anyone who believes this, but no punches will be pulled here.

Picture heaven in an uproar because a "corrupted"[read:non-KJV] version of the Bible is printed.... or because people are preaching out of "corrupted" Bibles....

What kind of crack are these people smoking???!? I mean, seriously! Is anyone who makes these statements studying Greek and Hebrew? Not to mention, the language in the KJV makes me feel like I should be walking around in chain mail swinging a giant mace. Maybe that's just me, though...

Isn't God big enough to be sovereign over EVERY translation of the Bible? Doesn't the HOLY SPIRIT lead us to all truth??

Don't limit God, people. Maybe the reason your KJV only church never sees God move in your services is because of the man-made box you've put Him in. If you're offended, stop and ask yourself whether you believe that the King James is the only correct version because you've been taught that way, or because of your study of other translations?

Anyone (as in a believer that has the Holy Spirit) with half a brain, a Bible, and a Strong's concordance can get an accurate understanding of what Scripture says.

I mean this as an encouragement. Seriously think about why you believe what you believe. The gospel is already an offense to lost people. Legalism only makes it worse. If you read the New Testament, you'll see that Paul was furious at people that put unneccessary burdens on believers. Like you need Jesus AND circumcision to be saved, or Jesus AND the Old Testament dietary laws, or Jesus AND going to church on Saturday... you get my point.

I don't claim to be a Bible scholar. I don't think I will ever call myself that. But I am a student of the Bible. God in His grace and mercy has given me the knowledge I have. I do know one thing, that complicating the Gospel message is rediculous.


All Jacked Up

It's been an interesting few days. Bekah threw a temper tantrum a few days ago and threw her head back, smashing me in the cheekbone, and it's turned into a bit of a shiner. Tough kid!

It's been great to be able to talk to my Dad and Theresa every week over the webcam. Pretty soon we will have it set up so that my Dad and I can talk while we're gaming online! Considering we do it every Sunday afternoon, it will be great to catch up.

Feeling terrible today. Might be a virus. But it's all good.

We're trusting God to do HUGE things in the near future... more about that soon.