
Zeus broke my computer!

Sorry, just wanted to put that in a title. What actually happened was, my computer experienced a power surge during the storm over the weekend. So yesterday I came in and pushed the power button on my computer tower and nothing. Naturally I freaked out. My life is on that pc! Pictures, resumes, games, etc.

I think things are starting to get better, though. Today, Andrew took some readings with his multimeter ( I think those come with one of these) and it looks like it might only have a bad power supply. Basically, I might only have to replace one part instead of hundreds of dollars' worth of parts!

I have a feeling that God's using this time to purify me for serving Him. Not the computer time really, it's more than that. There's a lot of crazy stuff going on that can only be accomplished/resolved by God. Please pray that I would be obedient to His instruction.

1 comment:

Andrew N. said...

OK so I guess being really smart and able to check things out and tell their friends what is wrong with it is a nerdy thing to do. I like being really smart. If you were to ask me I would say that knowing HTML would make you a nerd. LOL