
Update on Life in General

Had a great time at the Grizzlies game. JR and Todd got to race each other in giant blow-up hamster balls on the court in front of thousands of people. See, I told you I would have something interesting to blog about!

Something God has been dealing with me about is doing things with excellence. So many things around us suffer because of a lack of this. Churches, for example. I see many churches that do a lot of ministries well, but none with excellence. Stuff like that calls for a laser approach rather than a shotgun one. There's a great book about this subject called Simple Church. It's great. It will change the way you look at church, in a good way.

So, back to me. I feel overwhelmed a lot with the responsibilities that I have, and I believe I'm not alone in this. For example, here's my week:

Monday- work, church meeting
Tuesday- work, informal band practice
Wednesday -off (thank God!), band practice, H2O
Thursday- work
Friday - work
Saturday - work
Sunday - church, sunday school

*Keep in mind, I have a wife and a soon-to-be 2 year old daughter at home, so anything can happen! Sleep is a precious commodity! We get a lot more now that Bekah's older, but the poop still hits the fan sometimes.

Should I feel overwhelmed? Probably not. Some might say that my perspective's messed up, and they're right. I mean, we're supposed to look at things from God's point of view, not through our circumstances, right? What about prioritizing time with family? What about prioritizing Bible study?

As a man of 24 I haven't figured all of this out yet. But this I do know- in a rush to "do things for God," I feel like my life has been hijacked. Work feels like such a waste of time to me, and God's showing me how to work for Him in the meantime, while I'm waiting on Him to make a way for the dreams He's given me. The Bible overwhelms me at times, just for the sheer amount of God-given information contained in it and my impatience to learn it all ASAP doesn't help very much.

In the midst of this chaos (my perspective again), God is shaping me into who He wants me to be. I'm a stubborn idiot more than I'd like to admit, but changes are inevitable. I thought the other night, what if this was the moment I made a decision that changed the rest of my life, a huge decision?

I've got more questions than answers. I don't think I've ever needed God to come through so much as right here, right now.

There's a Skillet song that says, "How can I tell you just all that you are?" answer: EVERYTHING. That fact stands, independent of my intellectual assent or my feelings.

I take comfort that in the midst of my struggle, God is right here with me.

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