

Here's one of the concepts presented in Velvet Elvis.

The first chapter explains two perspectives on living the Christian life using two everyday objects- springs and bricks. These objects are specifically used to symbolize doctrine. Springs (doctrine) are not the point. They help us understand the point. "They can be examined. They can be probed. They flex and stretch."

Bricks are what they are, take them or leave them. Bricks are "fixed in size. They can't flex or change size or they can't fit into the wall." If you remove one brick, the wall is weaker and may crumble. You have to accept the whole wall or none of it. Sometimes this leads to situations where "Often it appears as though you have to agree with all of the bricks excactly as they are or you can't join."

Making doctrine number one instead of focusing on building God's kingdom is rediculous. Jesus didn't isolate Himself in the temple with His followers, condemning the outside world and making no real effort to make a lasting impact, but that's what you see in many churches.

The Bible can be trusted. The Bible stands up to critical examination.

Instead of condemning this world, we should be all engaging in an ongoing dialogue about God and the Bible. It should be open to everyone, regardless of personality or beliefs.

Doctrine is important. But if it's number one, then chances are there's pride involved and you believe you're earning God's favor (which is impossible by the way!)

The Christian life is like a trampoline. It's fun. It's scary. It's dangerous at times. But it's fun.

Invite people to jump with you, and watch God do awesome things.


jeff hill said...

I loved almost the entire post. hmmmmmm. I will say however that you will be able to make a greater impact if you have a better understanding of what Scripture says.(doctrine) I believe that at first (early, before your ministry begins) doctrine must take priority over going out there and doing things but there comes a point (and it is different for everyone) where it is no longer top priority but it also still has to be important. I also must say that going out and ministering never has much more priority over learning more Scripture. there just comes a point where doing that is just as important as learning doctrine. It is not prideful to want to know more about God.(his character and ways). That comment i totally disagree with. I luv ya man and can't wait to hang out tonight

Josh said...

I wasn't saying it's either doctrine or impact. A good church effectively communicates the truth of the Bible to its members so they can effectively share the Gospel with those around them.

If doctrinal obsession interferes with fulfilling the Great Commission, that's where doctrine becomes a problem.

Doctrine is not the point. It helps us understand the point (God).

jeff hill said...

I could not agree more!!!!!!!!! I know this may be weird but i am being serious. Will you define(for me to better understand your comment)just what effectively looks like?

Thanks man

Josh said...

my definition of effectively would be this:
-environment that encourages personal study of the Bible
-environment that also encourages/equips members to share their faith based on the Great Commission
-Biblical truth is communicated/reinforced in a way that is easily understood and practically applied.
-A perspective of the Bible is presented that puts a focus on making a difference in each person's circle of influence