
My Dad

After what happened to my computer over the weekend, I sent an email to my Dad yesterday and expected wrath to follow, because he and Theresa gave us that computer. What I did not expect was an incredible amount of grace.

I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you about my Dad and where God has taken him over the years, in the hopes that someone reading this will be inspired and encouraged.

My Mom and Dad divorced when I was about a year and a half. Shortly thereafter, my Dad enlisted in the Army. I didn't see him very much growing up- a week or two here and there, every month or so usually unless he was stationed out of the area. But when he was in town, we had a blast, he would spoil me rotten :D and let me stay up late, play video games, etc. I always cried the night he left. What great times we had. During those times, he was more my buddy-Dad than discipline-Dad. I mean, if you had only a short time to spend with your kid, would you be a disciplinarian?

Then at the age of 15 or 16 (1998 or 1999 I think) I left home and went to live with my Dad in Virginia. Things had been going crazy between my Mom and I and it was definitely the best for everyone's sanity. So my Dad and Theresa (his girlfriend at the time) take in this wild and crazy teenager suffering from depression/anxiety and ADHD all at the same time. I drove them crazy! But more often than not, we got along. They were huge supporters of the band I was in at the time (a hardcore metal band, btw :D) and went to 2 out of our 4 shows (gotta love high school bands).

Then my Dad got a job transfer to Tennessee as a Navy contractor. So the day after I graduated highschool we moved out here to the Memphis area. My Dad helped me get a job on base as a data entry person, and my boss invited me to church where I encountered a loving God who wanted a personal relationship with me and forgave all my sins, changing my life forever.

So I came home and told them about what had happened and they were supportive, but not wholeheartedly. They thought I was crazy for giving my money to a church. My Dad in particular supported me but the new faith I had found he said was just not for him. I invited them to church over and over and over again, and my Dad came sometimes and I was so excited because I wanted him to know this God that I know, but time after time he rejected what God wanted to do in his life. He just wasn't ready.

But one day (march 03 I think) he and Theresa both got saved and they literally became a new creation. They couldn't get enough of the Bible and prayer and living for God. They encouraged and inspired me and still do to this day.

My Dad, obeying God's will, moved to Sicily, Italy to a job God wanted him to do. It was an incredibly tough, stretching time (and still is), but amazing benefits are already being made known- when they get back, Theresa will be able to homeschool Bekah, they will be able to get out of debt, and wherever we are, they can move to the nearest Navy base.

My Dad and I have become super close. He is like a best friend to me. He's an incredible example of what it means to follow God with everything you have and everything you are. He shows me what God's grace looks like when he quickly forgives me for doing something stupid (ex: computer!). He shows me so much about God as our Father.

Dads, you make such an impact on your kids. Never forget that. God used me to draw my Dad to Himself. God uses my Dad to draw me closer to Him. Only eternity will show what an impact he has made.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son... this is a beautiful writing and depiction of the most important parts of my life; God and you. I love the way God's plan comes together... isn't it amazing? I love the last paragraph where you show the completion of one of His plans and circles Wow! You finding God so I can know God so I can inspire you to be close to God forever.... one thing you didn't speak about was how much you inspire me... I love the way you express your heart and defend your faith when others that are dear to you are drifting. It takes me to the next level. God Bless you Joshua Bradford Currie. I'm so thankful to have you in my life; not only as my son, but as my christian brother and best friend too. This time apart is so very hard, but God has a reason for it and we just have to do our best to be obedient along the way. It has been 4 months since I left and it seems like 4 years, but I have learned over and over again already just how important you and your family are in my life (like I didn't already know) and how I look forward to spending many, many days interacting with you (face to face) and watching my grandchildren grow. I love you so very much!!! ~ Dad