
Wow. Almost another month gone by. I'm so terrible at this.

I just finished reading Islam Unveiled by Ergun and Emir Caner. What a great book. It gives you everything you need to reach out to the muslims around you with the love of Jesus while still respecting their customs and understanding their history and culture. It was an eye-opener. And yet another example of how the media distorts facts into politically-correct lies. The people who say that Islam is really a religion of peace and not hostility (A) don't read the Qu'ran and (B) most likely believe that all religions lead to the same God (C)lack the backbone to speak the truth. Sorry for the scathing remark, but it's true.

Another book I'm almost done with is The Irresistable Revolution by Shane Claiborne. To sum it up with two words- Very Interesting. He has a very different viewpoint than most Christians or even most Americans. I certainly don't agree with everything he writes in this book, but it makes you think a lot about America and what being a Christian is and is not about. One of the lessons I've learned from it i guess would be that if you're not reaching out to your community (including outcasts, poor people, people of different backgrounds/heritages, etc.) then you're missing a big part about what it is to be a Christian and we need to better manage our money here in the big U of A. But the book's funny, because this guy is on the hippie side of Christianity, and it really shows through his writings. He's an activist, and participates in demonstrations and protests and quotes Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi and Doris Day and other socio-political activists and gives the whole thing a Christian twist. But I agree with Todd and J.R. that it's a good idea to expose yourself to opinions and perspectives different than your own. This book is the epitome of a different perspective. Wow.

God has been doing interesting things in my life. I'm at a point where I'm asking more questions than I am making assumptions. Also God's sort of training me to trust Him no matter what the circumstances. Good cliche for sunday morning, but to actually do it when nothing makes sense at all and you want to give up is another. But time after time God is faithful and He makes everything work out okay.

Latest news- I got a call 430am this morning from the police. They said that our store had been broken into. So I dragged my sleepy, nappy rear end up there and saw a busted front window and 80+ missing phones inside. What a day. So now we're cleaning up the collateral damage so to speak. I wonder if God didn't allow me to be manager here at this store for this particular reason. Maybe only eternity will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is crazy. If they find the guy with the phones ask him if he has a cool one to give me before my 14 days are up. Josh Currie is the man.