
Tommorrow is my birthday. 24. Wow. I could almost be Jack Bauer. Yeah I know, terrible joke. I'm reflecting a lot about my life and basically, I am nowhere close to where I want to be. God has already revealed my purpose and future as husband, father, and pastor, but He has yet to fill in the rest of the details. So I watch and wait and God has continually chastened me for my idiocy and rebellious ways. But I am closer to God than I have been any other year. Not because of personal effort, but because of the character building God has been doing through hardships in my life. A few of the previously rough edges are smoother, but most are still jagged. I am a little bit wiser I guess. This is really a humbling experience. Not really a valley, but somewhere between the valley and the mountain. I thank God for the painfully real perspective and know that it will produce some changes. I can't imagine what lost people hang on to when things get hectic around them. What a hope we have in Jesus.
Sorry this has been rambling, but I am so tired right now I could go to sleep on my countertop here at work. Been a long few days.

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