
I turned 24 yesterday. And what a day it was. I am absolutely blown away about how awesome and incredible God is and how much He has blessed me- way beyond what I deserve.

I spent the whole day with my beautiful wife. It was great to have some alone time, and if you have kids, you'll understand. I slept in until 8am, which is sleeping in for me, since most mornings I'm up between 5 and 6am. Ate lunch at Chik-Fil-A, which made me very happy. Brooke bought me the coolest thing ever to hit the DDR universe- it's called Dance Factory, and you can dance to your own CD's, which I love because I can enjoy the recreational and entertainment qualities of DDR without compromising and listening to secular music. My Dad and Theresa also surprised us with a computer, something we have been needing a long time. In case you're wondering, I post these blogs from work in my down time.

But as aforementioned, God has allowed these circumstances to create an attitude of reflection and evaluation and I have a long way to go. I am excited because God's not done with me yet.

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