
Today is a blah day. Blah. Gross.

I'm so glad that feelings are irrelevant when it comes to intimacy with God. Even though I am having "one of those days" I have a peace in the background of all of this chaos, knowing the Lord is with me.

Sunday school went wonderful yesterday, and God deserves 100% of the credit. I went up there and prayed beforehand to invite Him to meet with us there and speak through me, and He honored my prayers. There was an uncanny fluidity to my speech, instead of the normal stuttering and muttering that comprises my lessons. But maybe I'm too hard on myself. Either way, God blessed my total lack of preparation and empowered me through the Holy Spirit to be a bold speaker. Not sure of why I didn't think of praying beforehand earlier. Oh yeah, I guess it was because I wasn't interested in putting 100% effort in. Gotta be honest. So in summary, I'm an idiot again, and God is incredible.

Saturday night was interesting. It was the first time in a while that I was able to hang out with friends besides at camp last week. Halo rules. We had a blast. I think it's awesome that God knows what we need specifically when we need it. I have been working a whole lot lately and it was good to just unplug for a while.

And in the midst of all of this, there is a hint of another calling. An outward calling to ministry. Something God-sized. I'm still trying to figure out if it's God's will. So the mystery continues.

No matter what, it's still an incredible joy to be here.

I love you Jesus.

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