
The past few days have been incredible. I went on the trip to minister to students and build relationships with them (and that certainly took place), but what I didn't expect is that God had a specific word for me. You see, a few posts ago I told you about the monumental decision I was faced with. Ever since then, I have looked outward for God's call to ministry, as in away from where I live right now. But God's message for me was that I have been so busy looking for God's call elsewhere that I have neglected the ministry that He has already given me here.

The message was so clear I knew it was from God. That message came with a renewed passion for the spiritual growth of the students in my class and also a passion to build lasting relationships with them and really put forth an effort in growing our class and ministering to the ones who already come every week. I feel like such an idiot, and I know I have not been a good steward of the gifts and talents God has given me in youth ministry. So from here on out, my focus is to have fun, captivating lessons that are spiritually sound and are produced by hard work and much prayer and Bible study.

Nothing has become any clearer as far as God's direction for my life; all I know is what I need to be doing while I wait on Him. I am happy to say that, although the past few days it has been difficult due to the craziness of camp, the very first time I had a chance to be alone with God I grabbed it and very much enjoyed it. This is a time of trials and some pain, but I am confident once again the Lord will work it all out.

Someone I know said it the best, and I echo it: "I am a huge loser and an even greater sinner, but Christ is my life and thats pretty much all I'm living for."

How great is our God.

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