

In no particular order:
2. I couldn't take the trash out at work. Why? Because there's 6 kabillion bees out there, one of which dive-bombed my face, causing me to fall on my butt. Too bad I didn't get it on tape..
5. Jon did a great vision video for Freedom Church. Check it out!
4. I've decided to grow my hair out. I am currently in the "70's explosion" stage, which will probably last another six months. No, I will not post a picture.
135. When I say in no particular order, I mean it!
63. I really miss playing live worship music! Hopefully it won't be long before I have another opportunity to do it again...
912. If you're only as young as you feel, than I am 465 years old today. My back is jacked.
11. I've started reading the book of Nehemiah. Looking forward to studying it more.

Could I possibly be any more random?

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