
The tail bone's connected to the..

Having an interesting day because my tailbone feels like someone hit it with a sledgehammer. Somebody get me a donut! Oooh...Doonutss... * sorry. I was daydreaming. :D So yeah I have to get xrays sometime next week. Should be great. I can picture it now:

"Mr. Currie, your tailbone is in ten thousand pieces all over your spinal column. Sucks to be you." (no, my doctor would never say that!)

"Mr. Currie, looks like we have to take out your spleen. Why? Oh, no reason. Just because."

It's a pretty good bet that none of those situations will happen. If the second one does, I'm changing my name to Spleenless Joe Jackson.

I can't sit down. I can't stand up. I can't walk. [cries like a sissy].

Oh well. I'll just look like Mr. Roboto tomorrow night. Shouldn't be much of a difference since I am the whitest white guitar player when it comes to stage presence. I need lessons or something.

I might have something very interesting to post Thursday. We'll see.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

ya know, tonight at h2o i was thinking..."josh isn't himself- must be the tailbone..."