
One day to live

Yesterday's lesson in Fuel (sunday school) was about the last teachings of Jesus. You know, the ones He taught after the Last Supper until He was betrayed by Judas. Intentional teachings meant to prepare His disciples for life without His physical presence and illustrate some incredible truths about the Christian faith. He also prays for them and for future followers. This is all in John 14-17.

I was trying to get the students in a last day mindset where they had one day to live and so I asked them what they would do. About 95% of the guys said stuff to get a reaction or to get attention, but at least one really thought about it and gave an honest answer. One guy whose name I will not mention said that he would get high, repent, and praise the Lord the rest of the day. See what I mean about trying to get a reaction? Of course, we talked afterwards and he assured me he wasn't serious.

Can I use a class of about 20 guys to draw conclusions about the teenage mind? Well if I can, then the average teenager isn't thinking about death or eternity. I know I wasn't at their age. This is why it's so important to effectively communicate the Gospel to teenagers because if you don't get their attention and make them think and take a hard look at themselves, they might not think about eternity until tragedy strikes or until they get older. And no one knows exactly how long we are going to live. What an incredible responsibility. Pray for your leaders.

I think it's time I started releasing my own line of recommended Sonic drinks.

Banana smoothie with Chili and Jalepeno peppers.
Great for a morning shake right before your morning hurl.

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