
I am convinced more and more each day that there are so many Christians that have no real idea what the actual church is all about. It's not about a building, or a preacher, or special effects. It's not about living this pseudo-perfect lifestyle in front of other Christians and saying you're "doing good" when asked. It's this real, raw, incredible thing that can happen in a house or a back alley, or out in the mountains somewhere. It's not composed of perfect citizens with no sins or struggles in their lives. It's composed of people who love Jesus. Not just say it, but live it. People who want to bring God glory. People who have real struggles and real trials and real heartbreaks in their lives. People who are eternally changed because of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and know they are nothing without Him. This is so different from the traditional perception of the church. God's people need to wake up and realize that time's running out and people are dying and going to hell and if no one else is going to do anything about it, then we will. We need to affect our culture instead of embrace it.

God help us all. Pray for the body of Christ. Lift each other up with encouraging words. Hold each other accountable. These are dark days and we have the Light within us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this paragraph!!!!!!!! Man, you hit a home run with this statement! You need to post this all over CrossPointe!