
Last night was amazing. It was the last wednesday night worship service in H20. The climax of the year, so to speak. Of course, being the Christmas season, we played Carol of the Bells. Not the mamby-pamby, mama's boy version, but a version similar to that of Trans-Siberian Orchestra, a heavy metal version. Personally, the lead guitar part was super challenging and, quite honestly, a bit out of my league. The circumstances surrounding this night were interesting, considering this would be the first time we had practiced this song as a band (with Brent). Practice was very frustrating, and it was apparent everyone was a little on edge, with the possible exception of Justin, who is hardly ever fazed by anything. I think he was thinking about his new girlfriend, but that's nothing but speculation. Anyway I digress.

We finished practice about 6:15pm, and it was a tense and discouraging time for many of us. God began to impress upon me strongly that we needed to pray as a band. I rounded everyone up and we all got in a circle to pray. Even Jeff was in a weird mood and wasn't wanting to lead us in prayer, so I did. Then we all went our separate ways to pray individually. And I really prayed. I have such a short attention span sometimes during prayer, I just get to thinking about other things. But not this time. It was real, honest, sincere prayer, desiring God to move in an incredible way. Based on recent times, I can't call myself a man of prayer. But I got it right last night. I was butchering the lead guitar part in practice, but it went amazingly, and I was blown away watching my fingers hit the notes on the guitar. God answered my prayer. The set went really well. To God be the glory.

It was interesting that J.R. talked about prayer last night too... I guess I have no other choice but to accept that God was teaching me about prayer last night in two different ways.

On a side note, it is very interesting to be in the midst of a debate about how Christians should present the gospel to the people around them. Apparently it's getting pretty heated, considering J.R. has taken a lot of heat for the one he posted yesterday about this. Apparently, we need to use the same traditions and methods for reaching the lost as we did in 1836. Anyone who feels differently is apparently "loving the world." God help us.


Anonymous said...

Loved reading this testimony after we spoke about it yesterday... God is so Great and the power of prayer... WOW! Love that I'll be able to keep up with you via your blog while I'm overseas...

Say, you have a "j" in front of todd's blog name in his link so it fails when you try to link to it. Get it together son! I thought you knew computers...lol


Jeff Bumgardner said...

Thanks for sharing the lessons God is teaching you. It really speaks to all of us. I'm glad the set went well!