
Hire me!

Some of you may not know this, but God has called us to the Atlanta area to be a part of Freedom Church. Problem is, I need a solid job with good benefits. I have over two years of sales experience, I type about 65-80wpm, I am experienced with all basic computer applications including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and FrontPage. My main passion is impacting the Acworth area with the gospel of Jesus Christ, but close behind that is a desire to provide for my wife and daughter the best I can.

God has made clear the "what" and the "where", but not the "how." Maybe someone reading this will feel God leading them to contact me. I am trusting that God will make a way. If you know of someone who may need someone like me, have them contact me. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get to where God wants me to be, so here I am, putting myself out there in the blogging community. I covet your prayers.

Abraham had incredible faith. God said, "get up and go" without even telling him where. Abraham went. I thank God that He knows I need more than a kick in the rear and a clear word.

So if you know of a way, let me know! I can't wait to be a part of what God's doing in Acworth!



In no particular order:
2. I couldn't take the trash out at work. Why? Because there's 6 kabillion bees out there, one of which dive-bombed my face, causing me to fall on my butt. Too bad I didn't get it on tape..
5. Jon did a great vision video for Freedom Church. Check it out!
4. I've decided to grow my hair out. I am currently in the "70's explosion" stage, which will probably last another six months. No, I will not post a picture.
135. When I say in no particular order, I mean it!
63. I really miss playing live worship music! Hopefully it won't be long before I have another opportunity to do it again...
912. If you're only as young as you feel, than I am 465 years old today. My back is jacked.
11. I've started reading the book of Nehemiah. Looking forward to studying it more.

Could I possibly be any more random?